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From simple tax returns to more complex ones, we’ve seen it all. We use our years of experience to ensure your tax returns are filed accurately. We also keep up to date on the latest tax changes so that we can take advantage of the tax benefits available to you.



We know that you’re busy running your business, let us help you get your business tax returns filed on time and accurately. Our team of experts will review your books for completeness and accuracy and help you organize your tax documents in preparation for tax filing.

Estates, Trusts and Gifts

As an executor or trustee, we understand that your duties may seem difficult to handle. Just the thought of a tax return for a trust or estate can be stressful given the complexities of these areas. Our office is here to walk you through the tax filing process and provide you with peace of mind.

Estates, Trusts and Gifts

International Taxes

As a non-resident working or studying in the US, we understand that your tax needs are unique. Let us help you determine your tax status in the US and help to prepare both your non-resident US tax return and your international tax return for your home country.

IRS Audits and Tax Planning

Want to pay more taxes? We think not! Our team of professionals spends time researching and understanding our tax regulations. Let us help you formulate tax planning strategies to minimize your tax liability while remaining compliant.

IRS Audits and Tax Planning
ITIN Processing

ITIN Processing

As a certifying acceptance agent, we are authorized to assist the IRS to expedite the processing of ITIN for non-resident taxpayers. As CAAs we review your foreign identification and certify its authenticity removing the requirement for taxpayers to send their original identifying documentation such as government passports and driver’s license to the IRS. Verification can be facilitated either in person or by zoom with identifying documentation sent to our office for review.  

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